61.   BC had uncapped what is so good about college basketball.

62.   Bergreen is good about Armstrong's objective grasp of racial politics.

63.   Most of the time, Sledge is quite good about turning her cell phone off in all the right places.

64.   Mrs. Parraga said she used to be good about checkups for her family.

65.   Ms. Grigson has not discarded what was good about British cooking _ potted shrimp, the Anglo-Indian kedgeree, fried whitebait and marinated kippers.

66.   Most dogs are pretty good about sizing up the "enemy."

67.   Muck is very good about reminding us that every game is critical.

68.   No one would argue that there was anything good about the Sept. 11 attacks, or that gaps in intelligence were desirable.

69.   And: "Hey, look, what's so good about these people?

70.   On the other hand, mortgage default rates have stayed low and steady, meaning that the "nontraditional" homebuyers are good about paying their mortgages.

v. + good + about >>共 10
feel 88.68%
be 10.83%
look 0.10%
fall 0.07%
felt 0.07%
find 0.07%
get 0.07%
believe 0.03%
hear 0.03%
seem 0.03 %
be + good + p. >>共 46
for 59.82%
at 20.97%
to 5.93%
with 2.48%
in 2.28%
about 2.20%
as 1.24%
on 1.07%
through 0.61%
from 0.58%
每页显示:    共 311