1.   Bell X1 wants to be "A Better Band," and I want to be better at not barfing.

2.   Cake Boss is exponentially better at everything they do.

3.   Chevy Chase is better at fake crying.

4.   enlgand are way better at cricket :)

5.   exactly , and who's better at at that than "The Ball less wonder"

6.   Fakers should be better at keeping up.

7.   Fireworks may not be better at the beach than in DC but the atmosphere is.

8.   Food is better at BeBops though because they have a full kitchen.

9.   For the job I have and for how long I've been in IT, I really should be a lot better at PowerPoint.

10.   Girls are always better at indoor.

v. + better + at >>共 9
be 57.05%
get 30.77%
feel 3.85%
make 3.85%
look 1.28%
taste 1.28%
become 0.64%
gettin 0.64%
seem 0.64 %
be + better + p. >>共 31
than 73.29%
for 5.85%
off 3.97%
in 3.17%
at 3.10%
with 2.68%
without 1.50%
by 1.15%
on 1.11%
to 0.77%
每页显示:    共 89