1.   One group was given a math test with no instruction while the other group was told that they were being measured against males to determine if boys were actually better at math.

2.   They are better at solving technical problems.

3.   Women have a sharper ear, they use more words while talking, and are better at completing tasks independently.

4.   Most builders are males because they are better at carrying heavy goods while most kindergarten teachers are females since they are more patient and careful, they know little children's needs.

5.   Despite the obvious physical differences between the genders, it is also a well-known fact that, by and large, men are better at mechanical skills and mathematical reasoning while women are more skillful with verbal communication and multitasking.

6.   Men are better at logical aspects

7.   Men are better at physical

8.   It is well knew that computer are better at repetitive work.

9.   The current society is full of competition, the person who are better at contacting with others gets more opportunities than others.

10.   The first , Foreign language course requirement is better at reading of the field to foreign material .

v. + better + at >>共 6
be 75.31%
become 7.41%
feel 6.17%
make 6.17%
get 2.47%
turn 2.47%
be + better + p. >>共 36
than 65.65%
for 15.73%
to 4.97%
in 3.71%
at 2.49%
off 2.12%
with 1.63%
because_of 0.49%
after 0.41%
of 0.41%
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