1.   Invicta Tweets "It's easier to go down a hill than up it but the view is much better at the top."

2.   Ironically, I'm a lot better at Halo 3 than I was at Halo 2 in its prime.

3.   Is their rationale simply that DeWitt wasn't doing much and Carroll will be better at 2B for the next year and a half?

4.   It'll be better at the new flat," he assured her."

5.   It's always the best bet to be silly and ditzy but I'm better at being a horrible flirt.

6.   It's better at night.

7.   It's easier to go down a hill than up it but the view is much better at the top.

8.   It's kind of a stereotype to think that all the men you're addressing are better at fixing things than women.

9.   It's kind of scary to realize that the person who can't match his clothes is so much better at picking paint colors than I am.

10.   It's kind of thin, which means that I'm better at mental work than any sort of physical labor.

v. + better + at >>共 16
be 60.83%
get 29.06%
become 3.99%
feel 1.78%
make 1.70%
look 1.10%
taste 0.42%
find 0.25%
seem 0.25%
getting 0.08%
be + better + p. >>共 45
than 61.96%
for 10.25%
off 10.03%
at 4.71%
in 3.22%
with 3.15%
to 1.37%
without 1.13%
on 0.95%
as 0.57%
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