1.   Both ordinary and thermal plasterboard are also available with a backing film which makes it resistant to water vapour.

2.   Kits are available with four basic components - surrounds, inserts, hearth and the fire itself.

3.   Many techniques are available with acrylic paints, so there is not one type of brush suitable for all acrylic techniques.

4.   Octagonal in shape, the framework is made from western red cedar and is available with single or double glazing throughout.

5.   Smoothing planes are available with smooth or corrugated bases, and the blade is fully adjustable.

6.   Some bags are available with cotton or polycotton linings and these are more comfortable but they weigh more.

7.   Standard high-tech stuff like ultrasound imaging and the latest hypertension drugs are available along with various New Age prescriptions.

8.   The SVT is available only with a six-cylinder engine.

9.   When buying a new computer, the same model is usually available with a range of different monitors.

10.   The basic needs of life are available with minimum effort.

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