1.   What am I arguing about?

2.   I mean in retrospect, looking back on it, it seems crazy -- since they were clearly both right, what were they arguing about?

3.   The men in the cafe are wearing yarmulkes, and the point being argued probably a Talmudic one.

4.   Police reports say his girlfriend overheard an argument, but there is no mention of who is arguing or about what.

v. + argue >>共 22
keating 19.35%
be 12.90%
goodling 6.45%
cache 3.23%
carry 3.23%
carve 3.23%
clear 3.23%
coding 3.23%
dun 3.23%
endorse 3.23%
be + v. >>共 1583
be 15.20%
ask 3.21%
make 3.02%
seem 3.01%
appear 2.16%
do 1.81%
go 1.78%
hold 1.57%
pay 1.06%
use 0.83%
argue 0.05%
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