1.   In turn, hatchling size may affect fitness: for example, larger S. occidentalis hatchlings had higher sprint speeds and may therefore be more adept at capturing prey or evading predators.

2.   Morphological methods may be more adept at capturing the phototrophic organisms within the community.

3.   Kangaroo rats (Dipodomys), on the other hand, are less adept at distinguishing between food and very similar non-food items.

4.   The geometric representation is most adept at describing community dynamics and stability, niche overlap, and organism response to abiotic environments.

5.   The algorithm is unusually adept at avoiding nonoptimal local minima and successfully converging to a global minimum.

6.   Sects are adept at producing club goods ??

7.   Although much of current work exploits the alacrity and precision with which Cre catalyzes excisive DNA recombination, Cre also is adept at the insertion of heterologous DNA into the genome.

8.   Good businesses will often be adept at managing a process of incremental improvement, but this kind of incremental change, what they call ¡®sustaining technologies??

v. + adept + at >>共 5
be 77.78%
become 7.41%
seem 7.41%
appear 3.70%
make 3.70%
be + adept + p. >>共 4
at 72.41%
in 17.24%
for 6.90%
than 3.45%
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