1.   It's a good thing that I'm so adept at being flexi.

2.   It appears to us that Tesco is adept at making monkeys of planning authorities.

3.   It features the hardboiled Ed Jenkins who is quite adept at using his fists or a handy submachine gun when the situation arises.

4.   It happens, Sophia, because many men are adept at getting what they want.

5.   It is a tremendous irony that MLA has been most adept at playing the political game on behalf of museums in what seems likely to be its final year.

6.   It is not an easy task and not many PR professionals are adept at sending out the right message.

7.   It is rough going, sometimes, but I've always been adept at ignoring naysayers .

8.   It is unbelievably frustrating to try to make constructive progress or have a real conversation with someone who is adept at the circles.

9.   It is very difficult to describe music in words, but my imaginary writer will be adept at this as well.

10.   It should be noted that anyone can play, too!

v. + adept + at >>共 9
be 74.41%
become 16.76%
prove 2.65%
seem 2.35%
get 1.47%
grow 0.88%
look 0.59%
make 0.59%
remain 0.29%
be + adept + p. >>共 8
at 79.81%
in 11.67%
with 4.42%
of 1.89%
for 1.26%
as 0.32%
in_regard_to 0.32%
to 0.32%
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