1.   Evaluations should be based on goals set with input from individual employees.

2.   For years, there was a belief that evaluations were based on skin color rather than performance.

3.   However, the evaluation was based on more than wins and losses.

4.   Its evaluation was based on second-quarter financial reports.

5.   On what did he base his evaluations?

6.   Teachers also oppose the idea that their evaluations will be based partly on schoolwide student performance rather than individual student performance.

7.   The evaluations were based on the frequency of testing, the known presence of the parasite and the amount of information the water districts make public.

8.   CART officials based their evaluation of the track on testing by several individual teams.

9.   Evaluation is based on general information on courses offered, teaching staff, curriculum, management system and physical facilities available at the colleges.

10.   Yam said her evaluation was based on intelligence reports, but she declined to elaborate.

v. + evaluation >>共 138
undergo 12.20%
make 7.54%
do 5.54%
conduct 4.66%
receive 4.43%
complete 4.43%
require 2.66%
order 2.66%
include 2.22%
base 2.22%
base + n. >>共 1480
decision 4.47%
company 3.74%
report 2.67%
figure 1.60%
estimate 1.34%
conclusion 1.15%
system 0.96%
case 0.94%
group 0.92%
movie 0.90%
evaluation 0.12%
每页显示:    共 10