1.   I think that the case is based upon what nowadays would be described as a legitimate expectation of being heard.

2.   The case is based on a real start-up company for whom the author worked as a consultant on financial planning and valuation.

3.   The Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee report expresses concern that the safety case will be based on information derived from only two boreholes at each site.

4.   Analysts base their case on broad studies of the markets that show no strong relationship between short-selling interest and falling prices.

5.   Arnault has based his case on minority shareholder rights and good corporate governance.

6.   Beaird said many more cases could be based on DNA evidence if Missouri lawmakers would make more convicts surrender DNA samples.

7.   Both have criminal convictions, which would make it difficult to base a case against the Clintons on their word alone.

8.   A tiny pink bag was inspired by a shaving kit and an orange-linen train case was based on a Barbie-doll kit.

9.   But critics say he loses because his cases are based on politics, not law.

10.   But he added that the new case was based on eight months of careful investigation and other evidence.

v. + case >>共 478
hear 5.28%
take 4.77%
make 4.50%
investigate 3.49%
handle 3.13%
discuss 2.95%
settle 2.31%
dismiss 2.30%
review 2.17%
report 2.11%
base 0.31%
base + n. >>共 1480
decision 4.47%
company 3.74%
report 2.67%
figure 1.60%
estimate 1.34%
conclusion 1.15%
system 0.96%
case 0.94%
group 0.92%
movie 0.90%
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