1.   The low viscosity of basaltic lavas means that extensive flows are more common than distinct cones.

2.   More common than purely basaltic lava volcanoes are those comprising a mixture of tephra and lava.

3.   It is the eruption of low viscosity basaltic lavas, however, that is responsible for the construction of the most impressive and extensive volcanic landforms.

4.   Basaltic lava flowed up through cracks in the limestone under the area, creating a plateau.

5.   When it reaches the surface, it bursts through cracks or fissures and spreads over the countryside, drowning everything in a sea of basaltic lava.

a. + lava >>共 111
molten 13.83%
hot 6.32%
black 5.53%
volcanic 4.35%
red 3.56%
hardened 3.56%
glowing 2.77%
main 1.98%
flowing 1.98%
basaltic 1.98%
basaltic + n. >>共 8
lava 33.33%
composition 20.00%
crust 13.33%
achondrite 6.67%
magma 6.67%
rock 6.67%
stone 6.67%
volcano 6.67%
每页显示:    共 5