1.   Huge banners denounced Yeltsin in every way and protested what people here see as the U.S. indifference to the conflict.

2.   Another banner in German denounced neoliberal economic policy and the ownership of property.

3.   Banners denounced global corporations and lending policies of the IMF and the World Bank that demand austerity programs by debtor countries.

4.   The left-wing demonstrators marched from Vienna University through the city with banners denouncing fascism and right-wing student groups.

5.   Three demonstrators at the airport, but out of sight of the pope, unfurled banners denouncing Roman Catholic teachings.

n. + denounce >>共 287
group 9.19%
leader 8.75%
official 8.06%
government 4.85%
critic 4.51%
party 3.12%
democrat 2.34%
activist 1.82%
protester 1.82%
politician 1.65%
banner 0.43%
banner + v. >>共 118
be 21.99%
hang 12.65%
say 3.31%
flutter 2.71%
go 2.41%
fly 2.11%
proclaim 1.81%
wave 1.81%
denounce 1.51%
remove 1.51%
每页显示:    共 5