1.   As the investigation gathered momentum, banks tightened security for Russian companies and citizens, hampering plans.

2.   As the premium rises and foreign banks tighten credit lines, these banks are forced to purchase dollars in the currency market.

3.   As the premium rises and foreign banks tighten credit lines to Japanese banks, these banks are forced to purchase dollars in the currency market.

4.   Banks have tightened their lending policies, raising the cost of money.

5.   Banks are tightening lending standards to increase profits, Garritson said, even though the firms may be meeting all their loan obligations.

6.   Banks are tightening their lending requirements as delinquent loan payments and bankruptcies rise.

7.   Banks have been tightening their lending standards every quarter for about two years, according to a survey of senior loan officers by the Federal Reserve.

8.   A recent Fed survey of senior bank loan officers found that banks tightened their standards for consumer loans during the previous three months as the number of delinquencies increased.

9.   Additionally, a recent Fed survey of senior bank loan officers found that banks tightened their standards for consumer loans this year as the number of delinquencies increased.

10.   But banks have tightened their loans to the industryout of fear that cable was no longer a good bet.

n. + tighten >>共 281
government 10.30%
authority 5.91%
police 5.91%
race 4.39%
bank 3.46%
force 2.28%
market 1.86%
security 1.86%
troop 1.77%
official 1.52%
bank + v. >>共 793
be 11.94%
say 7.17%
have 5.85%
make 1.73%
sell 1.17%
offer 1.14%
charge 1.06%
take 1.05%
plan 0.96%
use 0.94%
tighten 0.24%
每页显示:    共 41