1.   Banking shares also declined on concern major banks will have to foot more of the bill for non-performing loans extended by affiliated housing lenders which are no longer solvent.

2.   Banking revenue declined from the second quarter because fees for advising in corporate mergers shrank, company officials said told analysts.

3.   Banking shares also declined on concern major banks will have to foot more of the bill for non-performing loans extended by affiliated housing lenders that are no longer solvent.

4.   Banking shares declined on concern major banks will have to foot more of the bill for non-performing loans extended by affiliated housing lenders that are no longer solvent.

5.   Banking stocks also declined amid concern their regional operations could be hurt by the prolonged decline in Southeast Asian currencies.

6.   Banking stocks also declined amid concern their regional operations could be hurt by the business slowdown in Southeast Asia.

v. + decline >>共 67
spending 17.76%
bank 5.61%
issing 3.74%
trade 3.74%
fighting 2.80%
zwilling 2.80%
dining 1.87%
be 1.87%
drink 1.87%
keating 1.87%
bank + v. >>共 105
be 31.40%
say 12.79%
fall 4.94%
rise 3.49%
lead 3.20%
get 2.03%
decline 1.74%
become 1.74%
climb 1.45%
gain 1.16%
每页显示:    共 6