1.   Every morning, Daniel Kyiyuga walks six miles over rolling hills to check the banana groves and corn fields of his farm.

2.   I could picture my own banana grove down in Maryland, looming like a mirage in the potato patch.

3.   Pic Chhoch, working in his banana grove, was village chief of Domre Slap during the Khmer Rouge rule and helped select villagers for arrest.

4.   Slightly larger than Massachusetts, Rwanda is a land of steep rolling hills planted with banana groves, potato mounds, and deeply rooted ethnic myths.

5.   The day before, he had buried his mother in a banana grove near the back door.

6.   There are also a lot of unique, quirky elements ranging from bribes to banana groves.

7.   Rebels scurried for cover in thick forests and banana groves.

8.   At the first sound of a vehicle, frightened villagers scatter into the banana groves.

9.   Barragues says returning refugees tend to keep to their houses or their banana groves.

10.   He saw five men, dressed all in black, pointing their guns into the lush banana groves along a red dirt road.

n. + grove >>共 42
banana 13.18%
palm 12.40%
coconut 10.08%
lemon 8.53%
bamboo 6.20%
eucalyptus 5.43%
redwood 5.43%
pine 3.88%
cedar 3.10%
mango 2.33%
banana + n. >>共 216
plantation 6.26%
tree 5.90%
leaf 5.81%
import 4.20%
peel 4.03%
export 3.85%
producer 3.13%
dispute 2.86%
grower 2.59%
industry 2.42%
grove 1.52%
每页显示:    共 17