1.   Why did one balloon go farther or faster than another?

2.   The balloon suddenly went bang.

3.   It was Saturday before the balloon really went up.

4.   Balloons did go up, literally, as the first of the silver monsters climbed slowly into the sky to cripple or destroy the bombers, if they came.

5.   The bunting was strewn, the green shoots already recovering the banks, nerves were at full stretch preparing for the balloon to go up.

6.   At one stage it looked as if the balloon was going to take off regardless of the wishes of its crew who fought valiantly to keep it tethered.

7.   A balloon goes past, history is made, and Mali shrugs.

8.   And when asked why it took Egypt so long to get a helicopter out, Shaheen said the government was not told where the balloon was going to land.

9.   He was spotted eight hours after his attempt to fly around the world ended when his balloon went down in a thunderstorm.

10.   However, Blount said it was too early to say if the balloon had gone down.

n. + go >>共 1293
thing 2.90%
people 1.60%
money 1.59%
team 1.36%
bomb 1.26%
case 1.08%
company 1.07%
game 0.86%
price 0.76%
man 0.72%
balloon 0.02%
balloon + v. >>共 186
be 17.14%
have 4.95%
fly 3.71%
cross 3.36%
take 3.36%
float 2.47%
land 2.47%
come 2.30%
go 2.12%
rise 2.12%
每页显示:    共 12