1.   Anthony rushed the ball upcourt, but as he veered toward the left corner, he stumbled and fell.

2.   Arizona got the ball upcourt and most often it accomplished the feat fast and with flair.

3.   Before bringing the ball upcourt on occasion, he dished off to players on the wing before moving into the low post or to the outside.

4.   A man, usually Jo Jo White, is dribbling the ball upcourt as players are fanning out on the wings.

5.   After a timeout, Connecticut point guard Taliek Brown dribbled the ball upcourt.

6.   Bringing the ball upcourt against pressure defense with the clock running out, Sacramento Kings guard Tyus Edney dribbled too much before finally passing the ball to Smith.

7.   Boston kept pushing the ball upcourt, forcing the Sonics to stay with a smaller lineup.

8.   But now you have these greyhounds changing the game in the East, pushing the ball upcourt, all the offensive possibilities in front of them.

9.   Childs grabbed a rebound and pushed the ball frantically upcourt.

10.   Duke rushed the ball upcourt and Williams missed a driving shot.

n. + upcourt >>共 6
ball 87.93%
pass 3.45%
way 3.45%
action 1.72%
run 1.72%
time 1.72%
ball + n. >>共 424
park 12.81%
club 7.79%
gown 4.34%
home 4.29%
movement 4.09%
cap 4.04%
control 3.21%
field 3.02%
upcourt 2.48%
right 2.29%
每页显示:    共 51