1.   Eventually, the economy comes back into balance with a higher savings ratio and a lower trade deficit.

2.   He flailed for balance with his sabre arm, then screamed because he saw the heavy sword coming at his throat.

3.   Recovering his balance with uncanny speed, he snarled and launched himself after the still tumbling figure of his intended victim.

4.   The emerging organizational territory has neither guidebooks nor guideposts to help employees acquire or regain a sense of balance with their environment.

5.   We must learn to live in balance with nature, or our shining planet Earth will die.

6.   This wastage can be shown up by comparing the theoretical mass balance with the actual mass balance.

7.   Required levels of literacy and dexterity kept the supply of compositors, on the other hand, in better balance with the demands of the printing trade.

8.   Negative valuations for Italy are perhaps surprising when her trade balance with the EC is always in surplus.

9.   These reserves included balances with the Bank of England, money at call, bills of exchange and government bonds with less than one year to maturity.

10.   Members of the Action Group are helping redress the balance with local initiatives to improve the area.

n. + with >>共 1340
talk 3.47%
meeting 2.27%
agreement 1.58%
relationship 1.23%
interview 1.19%
tie 1.19%
people 1.14%
contact 1.13%
game 1.03%
deal 1.01%
balance 0.03%
balance + p. >>共 54
of 33.34%
between 26.77%
in 12.21%
with 3.96%
on 3.87%
to 3.68%
for 2.80%
by 1.67%
as 1.16%
out 0.91%
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