1.   The trade balance measures the flow of goods in and out of the country.

2.   Current account balances measure the flow of capital in and out of countries, including trade and investment.

3.   The current account balance measures the flow of goods, services and monetary transfers in and out of the country.

4.   The current account balance measures the international trade of merchandise, services and monetary transfers such as donations and economic assistance.

5.   The current account balance measures the flow of goods, services and monetary transfers in and out of a country.

6.   The current account balance measures the flow of goods, services and monetary transfers in and out of Japan.

7.   The current account balance measures the trade flows of tangible goods as well as services, investment income and other monetary transfers.

8.   The current account balance measures the flow of goods and services as well as investment income and other monetary transfers.

9.   The current account balance measures the flow of goods and services, as well as investment income and other monetary transfers.

n. + measure >>共 450
index 7.63%
test 4.30%
scientist 2.72%
researcher 2.46%
study 2.19%
report 1.67%
survey 1.58%
government 1.49%
instrument 1.49%
sensor 1.40%
balance 0.88%
balance + v. >>共 134
be 41.13%
shift 5.35%
go 3.52%
tip 3.36%
come 3.21%
have 2.75%
tilt 1.99%
seem 1.68%
measure 1.53%
change 1.38%
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