1.   Along with backyard breeders, puppy mills offer a ready supply of purebred pets, primarily to pet shops.

2.   Bunchers most often hold animals for reward or ransom and sell purebreds to collectors, pet shops, backyard breeders, puppy mills or pet auctions, he said.

3.   Compounding the problem, most Christmas puppies came from backyard breeders and puppy mills.

4.   Every expert advises against buying from pet stores or any backyard breeder who is eager to sell to you.

5.   Many buy bunnies at flea markets, pet stores or from backyard breeders this time of the year.

6.   Rosenthal said the bill would discourage greedy backyard breeders and the indiscriminate breeding of dogs, a practice that raises the odds of animals with genetic problems.

7.   Some backyard breeders take advantage of the large demand for purebred dogs.

8.   The pigs were seized in November after most had escaped from a backyard breeder in Slidell, La.

9.   We bought the first pet we saw, of dubious lineage, from a backyard breeder.

n. + breeder >>共 59
horse 14.92%
plant 10.50%
dog 9.39%
cattle 7.18%
livestock 6.63%
backyard 4.97%
bird 2.76%
fish 2.21%
poultry 2.21%
sheep 1.66%
backyard + n. >>共 232
barbecue 9.33%
pool 7.65%
garden 6.16%
fence 3.92%
tree 2.61%
court 2.05%
rink 1.87%
grill 1.68%
breeder 1.68%
gardener 1.49%
每页显示:    共 9