1.   I reached over and pulled her pants back up.

2.   He went across to the bed and pulled back the sheet.

3.   Ards attacked from the start of the second half and pulled back the arrears with a well-judged penalty from Gareth Fry.

4.   Much later, Nevin, geed up by his goal, danced past two tackles along the byline and pulled back a cross which Aldridge just failed to reach.

5.   As a result, she wore dark suits and always pulled back her hair.

6.   Abed Rabbo hailed the U.N. Security Council vote Saturday morning, which called for Israel to pull back its troops from Ramallah and other Palestinian cities.

7.   Abed Rabbo hailed the U.N. Security Council vote on Saturday morning, which called for Israel to pull back its troops from Ramallah and other Palestinian cities.

8.   But Phillies centerfielder Milt Thompson leaped high, stuck his hand over the wall, and pulled the ball back.

9.   Family signed an agreement, then changed lawyers and pulled back the agreement.

10.   Had she pulled back the winter mulch too soon?

v. + pull >>共 105
back 13.61%
use 8.38%
be 3.66%
can 2.62%
opt 2.62%
say 2.62%
show 2.62%
do 2.09%
rush 2.09%
out 1.57%
back + v. >>共 183
pull 6.44%
fight 4.95%
get 3.71%
work 3.22%
school 2.72%
scale 2.23%
win 2.23%
send 1.98%
bring 1.98%
play 1.73%
每页显示:    共 26