1.   Hagelin wants to see his candidacy backed by a coalition of other third parties.

2.   His candidacy has been backed by the financial and industrial tycoons, and on Thursday he received a strong endorsement from his successor at the gas monopoly, Gazprom.

3.   In response, Fox surrounded himself in one recent campaign ceremony with former communists and socialists who now back his candidacy and pledged never to privatize Pemex.

4.   Mario Vargas Llosa, the Peruvian novelist, the only previous Latin American president of PEN, is a longtime friend of Aridjis and backed his candidacy.

5.   Mauro also has been stung by the refusal of Sharp and Hobby to back his candidacy.

6.   The Clinton Administration had backed his candidacy.

7.   The National Republican Campaign Committee, still bitter that Forbes jumped ship, is aggressively backing the candidacy of Felix Grucci, a businessman.

8.   The United States, which helped put him in power as part of its war against the Taliban and al-Qaida in Afghanistan, openly backed his candidacy.

9.   Platini said UEFA President Lennart Johansson is backing his candidacy.

10.   After meeting Kok, Schroeder also backed the candidacy of Dutchman Wim Duisenberg as the first president of the European Central Bank.

v. + candidacy >>共 209
announce 30.79%
declare 15.36%
withdraw 7.79%
support 3.75%
back 2.42%
promote 2.28%
endorse 2.13%
approve 1.40%
oppose 1.25%
launch 1.03%
back + n. >>共 1281
rebel 3.88%
plan 2.87%
proposal 2.23%
idea 2.10%
claim 2.09%
effort 1.75%
bill 1.72%
call 1.62%
candidate 1.59%
government 1.53%
candidacy 0.48%
每页显示:    共 33