1.   And to bring him all the way back to his humble racing beginnings?

2.   For now, the Gore camp is taking a tough stance, saying it may back lawsuits brought by voters seeking to challenge the Florida results.

3.   That also was the signal the owner was about to bring him back, and each time his health quickly deteriorated.

4.   Though their school was only across the street, he always walked them there and brought them back himself every day, they said.

5.   We had these very frank discussions with these kids and brought it all back and put it on the air and got the most amazing mail from it.

6.   Authorities escorted them into the blocked-off area and quickly brought them back out.

7.   National Guardsmen escorted them into the blocked-off area and quickly brought them back out.

8.   They stuck poles holding sheets of aluminum foil in the lunar surface and brought them back along with their cache of moon rocks.

v. + bring >>共 262
work 12.03%
use 8.31%
do 5.96%
forecast 4.47%
be 2.98%
walk 1.99%
can 1.61%
fight 1.61%
act 1.49%
exist 1.24%
back 0.99%
back + v. >>共 183
pull 6.44%
fight 4.95%
get 3.71%
work 3.22%
school 2.72%
scale 2.23%
win 2.23%
send 1.98%
bring 1.98%
play 1.73%
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