1.   Duncan was a baby dinosaur.

2.   So Duncan closed his baby dinosaur lips tight shut and shook his head.

3.   Do baby dinosaurs pout at bedtime and slam their tails and roar and shout for one book more?

4.   Fake dinosaur footprints, eggs, and baby dinosaurs add a theatrical touch.

5.   It is a dinosaur alarm clock in the form of gray plastic rocks that support a hatched egg and a squalling pink baby dinosaur.

6.   Naturally, the lemurs raise the cute baby dinosaur as one of their own.

7.   The fossil of a baby dinosaur has come to light in which details of soft anatomy never seen before in any dinosaur remains are preserved.

8.   Turn the egg inside out and a big-eyed baby dinosaur emerges.

n. + dinosaur >>共 41
baby 12.50%
animatronic 7.81%
theropod 6.25%
cartoon 4.69%
time 4.69%
medium 3.13%
duckbill 3.13%
paper 3.13%
replica 3.13%
therapod 3.13%
baby + n. >>共 603
girl 9.72%
boy 8.33%
daughter 4.55%
food 4.26%
step 3.09%
son 1.86%
formula 1.80%
brother 1.64%
clothes 1.61%
elephant 1.55%
dinosaur 0.25%
每页显示:    共 8