1.   But then to avoid confusion we need some way of Marking the participant role distinction.

2.   Doctors should explain their instructions to patients carefully, to avoid any confusion.

3.   His abrupt style seems to represent a deliberate technique for saving time and avoiding confusion.

4.   Label the pipes you will be working on to avoid confusion later on.

5.   New administrative systems were needed to avoid confusion.

6.   One way to avoid confusion is to build language work into science sessions.

7.   Pupils need clear step-by-step explanations in order to avoid confusion.

8.   To avoid confusion, we explain the main points first and deal with the more specialised capital gains aspects further along.

9.   To avoid confusion, the teams wore different colours.

10.   Use different colours of felt pen on your sketch to avoid confusion.

v. + confusion >>共 189
cause 21.13%
create 11.40%
avoid 9.94%
sow 3.35%
reduce 1.99%
end 1.99%
clear_up 1.99%
eliminate 1.67%
clarify 1.46%
compound 1.46%
avoid + n. >>共 1364
problem 2.23%
confrontation 1.84%
conflict 1.24%
tax 1.18%
detection 1.11%
injury 0.98%
risk 0.91%
contact 0.90%
arrest 0.86%
trouble 0.84%
confusion 0.57%
每页显示:    共 94