1.   Arrange the fish slices around the salad with the orange segments, avocado slices and olives.

2.   A mixed salad, topped with segments of fresh grapefruit and avocado slices, is both a clean-tasting and colorful addition.

3.   For avocado slices, using the tip of your knife, make four shallow lengthwise slits in the skin from end to end.

4.   Garnish with avocado slices.

5.   Garnish outside edges with avocado slices, jicama triangles and tomato slices.

6.   Garnish with avocado slices, if desired.

7.   Or you could turn it into a company-worthy masterpiece by fortifying it with potato salad, shrimp, avocado slices and other embellishments.

8.   Place the avocado slices around the outside.

9.   Remove, serve and let each diner top the tortillas as they choose with avocado slices and sour cream.

10.   Serve with a green salad topped by avocado slices.

a. + slice >>共 345
thin 16.08%
thick 5.65%
small 4.31%
orange 4.00%
bigger 3.61%
large 3.06%
eggplant 2.04%
big 1.96%
remaining 1.88%
little 1.49%
avocado 1.25%
avocado + n. >>共 54
slice 12.50%
tree 9.38%
leaf 5.47%
grower 5.47%
farmer 3.13%
flesh 3.13%
grove 3.13%
dip 3.13%
half 3.13%
mixture 3.13%
每页显示:    共 16