1.   Dice remaining avocado half.

2.   Mix all ingredients together and serve on a bed of mixed greens, stuffed into avocado halves, atop melon slices or on multigrain bread.

3.   Sprinkle the inside of each avocado half with salt and brush with lemon juice.

4.   Twist the avocado half to remove the pit, still stuck to your blade.

a. + half >>共 214
second 46.34%
first 35.65%
the 2.93%
eastern 1.15%
western 0.93%
southern 0.72%
top 0.72%
northern 0.72%
entire 0.65%
last 0.62%
avocado 0.02%
avocado + n. >>共 54
slice 12.50%
tree 9.38%
leaf 5.47%
grower 5.47%
farmer 3.13%
flesh 3.13%
grove 3.13%
dip 3.13%
half 3.13%
mixture 3.13%
每页显示:    共 4