1.   However, if more modules with the specified charge code, and which will fit, are available then these will be entered into the volume.

2.   If any duty of care deeds are available from contractors, engineers, surveyors or other professional persons then they should be taken up.

3.   Also available are scholarships that will have help attached.

4.   Both have always worked at a local motel, he as an hourly wage janitor and she as a maid, but the hours available are limited.

5.   A growing array of artificial body parts are available for immediate use and many more are in various stages of development.

6.   Also available are Eurotrain and Eurocar plans that add, for example, a Channel Tunnel train trip or rental car.

7.   All the photos and graphic mentioned in this advisory are available at nytimages.com.

8.   Burlap bags for sand are also available, but at twice the cost.

9.   Customers who have the cars, which are available through leases, have been asked to return them immediately.

10.   Now available are the fifth through ninth films.

a. + are >>共 854
poor 1.99%
still 1.86%
likely 1.16%
important 1.09%
chinese 0.96%
missing 0.84%
available 0.84%
latter 0.84%
absent 0.77%
sales 0.77%
available + n. >>共 1576
information 3.92%
option 2.31%
money 2.30%
space 1.92%
resource 1.84%
supply 1.35%
evidence 1.33%
job 1.25%
service 1.25%
datum 1.25%
are 0.17%
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