1.   Extrahepatic HBV-DNA sequences have been observed in human autopsy specimens including lymph nodes, spleen, kidney, pancreas, brain, and endocrine tissues.

2.   Ever since the Civil War, the pathology institute has been saving autopsy specimens, keeping them in ever-expanding warehouses.

3.   Taubenberger studied specimens from Spanish flu victims that are among the millions of autopsy specimens that the pathology institute has been storing in warehouses since the Civil War.

4.   For the study, they examined autopsy specimens from people who had been given a drug called BrdU because of cancer in their mouths or throats.

n. + specimen >>共 87
biopsy 49.39%
urine 3.96%
blood 3.05%
museum 2.13%
butterfly 1.83%
plant 1.83%
colectomy 1.83%
tissue 1.83%
wall 1.22%
autopsy 1.22%
autopsy + n. >>共 46
report 34.59%
result 23.80%
photo 20.72%
finding 3.77%
photograph 3.08%
room 1.37%
picture 1.20%
record 1.03%
table 0.86%
specimen 0.68%
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