1.   For example, how are we to identify the automobile industry?

2.   Global competition in the automobile industry has been driving out many of the smaller firms.

3.   In the automobile industry, then, current methods contradict traditional wisdom.

4.   Its acreage expanded quickly as a response to demand fuelled by the emergence of the automobile industry.

5.   The Administration refuses to throw a lifeline to the troubled automobile industry.

6.   The international automobile industry is a typical case where shortening the product development lead time is recognized as a valuable competitive weapon.

7.   The technology of the automobile industry is also, of course, much further advanced than a technology of behavior.

8.   Even the automobile industry,which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years,is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution.

9.   The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century.

10.   Among those concerned about the exemptions is an automobile industry trade group that represents shops where smog checks are given.

a. + industry >>共 881
insurance 4.01%
banking 3.57%
pharmaceutical 2.14%
private 2.05%
financial 2.04%
recording 1.82%
local 1.66%
aerospace 1.61%
manufacturing 1.56%
state 1.52%
automobile 1.05%
automobile + n. >>共 294
accident 10.24%
industry 9.80%
manufacturer 4.62%
company 3.90%
part 3.56%
maker 2.17%
sale 2.17%
traffic 2.06%
production 1.95%
market 1.95%
每页显示:    共 175