1.   Pernicious anemia is thought to be caused by an autoimmune reaction against gastric parietal cells resulting in impaired secretion of intrinsic factor.

2.   Scientists have strong evidence that Type I diabetes is a metabolic disorder triggered by an autoimmune reaction.

3.   A prominent theory is that an autoimmune reaction is involved.

4.   But in people with vitiligo, the melanocytes self-destruct, probably because of a toxic exposure or an autoimmune reaction in which the body mistakenly attacks its own cells.

5.   In the leafy suburbs of Chicago, he might have expected a sort of autoimmune reaction to his designs.

6.   Now it seems that this long-term bond can on rare occasions have dire consequences, sparking an autoimmune reaction in either the bearer or the born.

7.   Still, the women and their lawyers attributed them to an autoimmune reaction to silicone.

8.   Such alleles could persist through evolutionary time if they help fight off infectious diseases in early life and do not trigger autoimmune reactions until middle or late life.

9.   That bewilderment seems to help touch off an inappropriate autoimmune reaction against self molecules.

10.   The two sides in the dispute tend to accept the arthritis symptoms as an autoimmune reaction.

a. + reaction >>共 932
immediate 12.12%
rapid 6.15%
allergic 5.16%
chemical 4.33%
initial 3.53%
public 3.45%
mixed 3.31%
first 3.11%
official 2.49%
negative 2.40%
autoimmune 0.14%
autoimmune + n. >>共 31
disease 47.26%
disorder 17.41%
hepatitis 6.47%
reaction 5.47%
condition 4.98%
response 3.48%
phenomenon 1.49%
arthritis 1.00%
attack 1.00%
system 1.00%
每页显示:    共 11