1.   There is no doubt that cytokines can contribute to the pathophysiology of the diseases in some chronic inflammatory states and autoimmune conditions.

2.   Experiments on animals have played a crucial role in revealing the disease mechanism in paralysing autoimmune conditions, and some of these experiments are still in progress in Oxford.

3.   A maternal uncle has vitiligo, an autoimmune condition that destroys patches of pigment cells in the skin.

4.   Knowing this kinship pattern, Rose said, may help a doctor more quickly diagnose an autoimmune condition.

5.   Many autoimmune conditions appear similar to graft versus host disease, in which cells from a transplanted organ mount an immune response against the host.

6.   That decision was appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court by Irene M. Green, a Pennsylvania woman who says collagen injections caused an autoimmune condition known as aplastic anemia.

7.   The MHC is associated with more diseases than any other region of the human genome, including most, if not all, autoimmune conditions, researchers said.

8.   This can be hereditary, or result from an autoimmune condition, surgical removal of the ovaries or cancer treatments.

9.   Walker also proposed that women may be at risk for autoimmune conditions not because they have too much estrogen, but because they have too little testosterone.

10.   In the case of depression, scientists are unsure if the fault lies with an actual virus or an autoimmune condition that mimics a viral infection.

a. + condition >>共 680
critical 9.97%
serious 7.74%
stable 5.91%
good 4.43%
working 3.33%
customary 3.13%
economic 3.12%
living 2.43%
poor 1.99%
medical 1.62%
autoimmune 0.04%
autoimmune + n. >>共 31
disease 47.26%
disorder 17.41%
hepatitis 6.47%
reaction 5.47%
condition 4.98%
response 3.48%
phenomenon 1.49%
arthritis 1.00%
attack 1.00%
system 1.00%
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