1.   Once a local authority has identified a need it should produce a plan to meet that need by providing the appropriate services.

2.   There are potential areas of search in in growth which the local authority has identified as part of the background work to local planning preparation.

3.   And in a provision that many election lawyers hailed, the candidates would have three days to correct their petitions after the election authorities identified problems with them.

4.   Authorities have not identified a suspect in the slaying of the sheriff-elect.

5.   Authorities have not identified the races of Saraiva and Solitro, but others say they are white.

6.   Authorities originally identified Pease, the New Hampshire man, as a woman.

7.   Authorities have not identified the two other occupants of the car.

8.   Authorities identified four men arrested today as leaders of the gangs involved.

9.   Authorities have identified five Arab men as suspects, including two brothers.

10.   Authorities identified the men missing in the tunnel as Howard Goin, Noel Najera, Victor M. Castaneda and Raymundo Diaz-Vela.

n. + identify >>共 833
police 11.24%
official 6.61%
name 4.93%
authority 4.17%
report 3.75%
witness 2.23%
newspaper 1.87%
scientist 1.64%
source 1.60%
investigator 1.41%
authority + v. >>共 668
say 21.31%
be 4.79%
have 2.28%
believe 1.74%
arrest 1.68%
investigate 1.60%
refuse 1.49%
try 1.30%
take 1.14%
deny 0.91%
identify 0.50%
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