1.   And, of course, there is no comparison when it comes to audience size.

2.   Besides, audience size, regardless of age, is still the bottom line when it comes to deciding if many shows are hits or failures.

3.   But Parr thinks Lycos shareholders rejected the deal partly because they doubted these channels had the audience size and prestige to benefit Lycos.

4.   But ratings matter far less to HBO than they do to commercially supported networks whose advertising rates are based on audience size.

5.   But the audience size exceeded the expectations of CBS, which did only minimal promotion of the program.

6.   Despite the limitations on audience size prescribed by Grotowski, we tried to maximize the audience number.

7.   For their part, New York theater impresarios say they welcome the added choice, while dismissing any impact on their audience size.

8.   His last town hall meeting was worlds away from his earliest ones in more ways than audience size.

9.   In a fractionalized media market, audience size is relative, according to Verklin of Carat North America.

10.   Methods that are used to measure audiences for radio and television are so different that it is impossible to compare audience sizes.

n. + size >>共 424
class 18.28%
sample 4.03%
body 3.02%
market 2.69%
population 2.55%
portion 1.95%
shoe 1.68%
particle 1.34%
crowd 1.28%
screen 1.21%
audience 1.01%
audience + n. >>共 318
member 37.53%
participation 3.68%
reaction 3.52%
response 3.03%
share 2.13%
size 1.23%
measurement 1.06%
favorite 1.06%
question 0.98%
development 0.90%
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