1.   And the audience can relate.

2.   Audiences today can relate to sleep deprivation, to the blur of movement that defines the busy lives we all need.

3.   Berliner emphasized that the point was not to create a fanciful fiction, but a story that, hopefully, the audience will truly relate to.

4.   After performing a song about the artist Kimberly Austin, Farrell tried to change the way the audience related to his music.

5.   But McCarty believes his audience will relate to the overriding music discussions of relationships, dating, and partying.

6.   Mike, what happened to songs that your audience can relate to?

7.   The producers understand that creating a sympathetic character that any audience can relate to makes it easier to poke fun at surrounding players.

8.   Use analogies the audience can relate to.

9.   They need audiences to relate to Jolie as a flesh-and-blood Lara the way the public identifies with Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones.

n. + relate >>共 658
charge 5.39%
people 3.27%
issue 2.82%
problem 2.50%
question 1.60%
information 1.54%
document 1.41%
cost 1.35%
case 0.96%
marriage 0.90%
audience 0.58%
audience + v. >>共 578
be 20.40%
have 3.24%
see 2.99%
respond 2.07%
want 2.00%
get 1.95%
laugh 1.85%
know 1.80%
seem 1.78%
cheer 1.53%
relate 0.22%
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