1.   One actually uses ultrasound, i.e. the frequency is far above the audible range.

2.   The sound, below the audible range, is generated by a high-velocity stream of air being forced through an organ pipe.

3.   These in turn produce a lower frequency within the audible range that is amplified and converted into sound by a loudspeaker.

4.   Ultrasound frequencies lie above the audible range, and like X-rays they penetrate solids.

a. + range >>共 698
wide 25.76%
close 9.10%
narrow 6.27%
broad 5.77%
full 3.83%
wider 2.98%
point-blank 2.45%
driving 2.18%
shooting 2.05%
long 1.93%
audible 0.04%
audible + n. >>共 109
sigh 8.76%
gasp 8.29%
obscenity 6.91%
alarm 5.07%
voice 3.69%
sound 3.23%
range 1.84%
buzz 1.38%
comment 1.38%
groan 1.38%
每页显示:    共 4