1.   Also attending were Clinton-Gore re-election fund-raisers Terence McAuliffe and Laura Hartigan, Thompson said.

2.   Among those attending were Chris Galvin, chief executive officer of Motorola Inc., which wants to build a cell-phone network across China.

3.   Others attending were the United States, England, France, Italy, Canada, New Zealand and the Netherlands.

4.   Also expected to attend were Vice President Al Gore and Republican Sen. John Ashcroft, who was being challenged for re-election by the two-term Democratic governor.

5.   It was unclear why the younger Kim did not attend the dance, and Koreans said his father would have attended were he alive.

6.   To be attended by Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, Minister for Trade Tony Fischer and Defense Minister John Moore.

7.   Also attending were the new reformist first deputy prime ministers Anatoly Chubais and Boris Nemtsov, Russian news agencies said.

8.   Among those attending Sunday were West Bank Fatah leader Faisal Husseini, local government minister Saeb Erakat and tourism minister Elias Freij.

9.   Also attending were Philippine President Fidel Ramos, US Defense Secretary William Perry and US joint chiefs of staff chairman General John Shalikashvili.

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