1.   The police were attacked as they tried to break up the crowd.

2.   Protesters attacked the police with stones and bricks.

3.   She attacked police in the full glare of TV cameras.

4.   Police were attacked and one vehicle was set on fire and others overturned, as the demonstrators marched on the local government offices chanting Down with corruption!.

5.   Senior officers now say they want tougher punishments for those found guilty of attacking the police.

6.   Police were attacked by youths armed with stones and missiles.

7.   New Age travellers who attacked police after being turned away from a festival have been moved on.

8.   The violence in Blackburn, in which riot police were attacked, has resulted in a million pounds worth of damage.

9.   At a news conference at City Hall, Giuliani assailed the demonstrators, especially those who attacked the police.

10.   A hard-core fringe of anarchists and self-styled revolutionaries attacked police with stones and bottles and sporadically shattered windows and set fire to several police vehicles and a bank.

v. + police >>共 421
say 31.12%
call 10.57%
tell 4.30%
accuse 3.53%
alert 2.44%
quote 1.91%
deploy 1.67%
contact 1.56%
lead 1.41%
notify 1.36%
attack 1.29%
attack + n. >>共 1629
target 3.12%
position 2.57%
village 2.30%
police 1.86%
troop 1.61%
civilian 1.54%
force 1.34%
town 1.16%
home 1.03%
woman 0.99%
每页显示:    共 173