1.   Instead, Merrill has played a major role in urging more and stronger attack ads, according to campaign officials.

2.   Already, Mr. Congeniality seems a little less so as he signs on to a campaign of attack ads against his Democratic opponent.

3.   American voters who rely on television for their political information these days primarily see slanted attack ads and abbreviated sound bites on the network news.

4.   And the Democratic Party is making plans to keep Bush on the defensive, with a barrage of attack ads reminding voters about hanging chads and butterfly ballots.

5.   And the retired general, who knows the importance of a counterattack, would likely want money available to respond to late attack ads from other candidates.

6.   And some senators said they were increasingly concerned with attack ads by outside groups.

7.   And they render clear-minded judgments based not on attack ads but on their personal sense of who these men are and where they want to go.

8.   Another trend this year is the greater hesitancy to run slashing attack ads.

9.   As a product of copious market analysis, the Celica aims at its target audience with the precision of a political attack ad.

10.   At election time, they lined up at the TV stations to buy attack ads.

n. + ad >>共 431
television 17.45%
newspaper 11.78%
campaign 6.80%
radio 6.40%
attack 6.36%
banner 4.74%
issue 4.13%
tobacco 2.55%
cigarette 2.51%
liquor 1.17%
attack + n. >>共 345
helicopter 19.50%
ad 9.54%
came 5.53%
dog 5.47%
submarine 4.37%
mode 2.67%
aircraft 2.49%
jet 2.31%
victim 1.94%
site 1.82%
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