1.   Astronauts say hand work is very tiring in spacesuits.

2.   Born in the village of Elanets in southern Ukraine, the astronaut said that as a boy he dreamed of being a pilot.

3.   During a short broadcast interview, the Columbia astronauts said they bathe by wetting cloths with a cleansing solution and water.

4.   Eventually, this international cooperation could even lead to joint missions to the planets, some space agency planners and astronauts say.

5.   He said Glenn would awaken and go back to sleep during the middle of his sleep period, something the former astronaut said he did not remember doing.

6.   Nevertheless, the astronauts said they had not been denied entrance to any of the buildings.

7.   The astronaut also said that a spacewalk in early December with Mir commander Anatoly Solovyev has been rescheduled for early January.

8.   The astronaut said he stood by his recommendations that Mir was safe enough for his colleague, Dr. David Wolf, to replace him for another extended stay.

9.   The astronaut said his comments were meant for the ears of NASA planners.

10.   The astronaut says that since he was a child, he has liked boats and water, even when his family found itself landlocked.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
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analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
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spokesman 3.05%
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expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
astronaut 0%
astronaut + v. >>共 338
be 12.09%
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conduct 2.23%
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