1.   Another teacher who moved me was an assistant principal named Cho, who doubled as a history teacher.

2.   But he said it looks bad to the public to cut teachers while hiring Janitors and assistant principals.

3.   But more assistant principals and Janitors are necessary to make the schools operate effectively, Saylor said.

4.   Depending on the number of students, the number of assistant principals a school employs May vary.

5.   Much of that sentiment stems from the transfer in March of Gloria Nogales-Talley, a popular Latina assistant principal.

6.   My mother is assistant principal at a school in Washington, D.C.

7.   Similarly, a New York court ruled that a school district could transfer a teacher who Married her assistant principal.

8.   An assistant principal at Stuyvesant High School was arrested Friday and charged with molesting a student who was working as his assistant, officials said.

9.   An assistant principal, Steven Shapiro, said only half in jest that the school is considering ordering cushions for the file cabinet seats.

10.   And she has lost assistant principals, guidance counselors, paraprofessionals and teacher aides.

a. + principal >>共 167
assistant 25.30%
the 7.33%
former 5.67%
new 5.20%
good 1.42%
entire 0.95%
guaranteed 0.95%
interim 0.95%
current 0.95%
female 0.95%
assistant + n. >>共 393
coach 38.23%
manager 8.98%
director 7.82%
secretary 5.17%
attorney 4.05%
head 2.25%
prosecutor 1.87%
principal 1.85%
trainer 1.30%
commissioner 1.28%
每页显示:    共 106