1.   But before I give you the assignment sheet, erm, how are you getting on?

2.   Avoid written agendas, assignment sheets or anything that looks like school or homework.

3.   I grabbed the assignment sheet.

4.   This will be is the only game involving the Lakers that Albert has on his six-game TNT assignment sheet.

n. + sheet >>共 324
cookie 21.32%
ice 6.99%
bed 5.83%
offer 5.41%
fact 4.31%
information 2.92%
score 1.88%
tally 1.40%
tip 1.34%
cover 1.22%
assignment 0.24%
assignment + n. >>共 48
editor 16.16%
reporter 12.12%
scout 6.06%
plan 4.04%
policy 4.04%
sheet 4.04%
system 4.04%
change 3.03%
judge 3.03%
bust 2.02%
每页显示:    共 4