1.   The enemy strategic assets will largely fall into three distinct categories.

2.   Bankruptcies are mounting while corporate earnings, exports and asset values are falling, all of which constrain the ability of Japanese companies to repay their debts.

3.   Bankruptcies are mounting while corporate earnings, exports and asset values are falling, all of which constrains the ability of Japanese companies to repay their debts.

4.   A devaluation, of course, means Venezuelan assets will immediately fall in value in foreign currency terms.

5.   In its quarterly financial statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and released on Monday, First Union reported that nonperforming assets actually fell in the third quarter.

6.   The assets in question fall roughly into two categories, Jewish leaders and organizations say.

7.   But Finance Secretary Roberto De Ocampo said he doubted whether many privatization assets fell into that category.

n. + fall >>共 780
stock 13.74%
price 10.50%
share 3.30%
dollar 3.28%
bond 2.62%
rain 2.34%
future 1.95%
rate 1.52%
snow 1.34%
sale 1.19%
asset 0.02%
asset + v. >>共 186
be 40.57%
include 7.40%
go 2.34%
grow 1.97%
have 1.85%
exceed 1.85%
remain 1.73%
become 1.36%
consist 1.23%
back 1.23%
fall 0.86%
每页显示:    共 7