1.   Miscellaneous assets largely consist of payments owed but not yet received from other banks.

2.   Its assets mainly consist of land in Florida zoned for residential development.

3.   Most bank assets consist of loans.

4.   The assets consisted of a land development business and consumer loans including credit card debt and satellite dish loans.

5.   The U.S. assets mainly consist of nine shopping malls in the Southwest.

6.   Thompson assets consist of options on three parcels of land for apartment complexes in Silicon Valley.

7.   With the company in such dire condition, however, its assets consist almost solely of the right to make and sell the product.

8.   These non-performing assets consist of past due loans, loans in litigation, and real and other property owned or acquired.

9.   Indonesian State Secretary Bambang Kesowo told legislators Monday the assets consisted of property belonging to the government, private businesses and individuals.

n. + consist >>共 1044
group 4.33%
team 3.11%
system 1.29%
panel 1.06%
treatment 1.06%
device 1.02%
board 0.99%
meal 0.95%
commission 0.91%
diet 0.87%
asset 0.38%
asset + v. >>共 186
be 40.57%
include 7.40%
go 2.34%
grow 1.97%
have 1.85%
exceed 1.85%
remain 1.73%
become 1.36%
consist 1.23%
back 1.23%
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