1.   All organisations studied are electronics assembly plants.

2.   GM announced it would idle four assembly plants.

3.   Suppose Joe worked as an operator in a widget assembly plant.

4.   They work predominantly in industries such as food-processing, clothing and textiles and in the multinational assembly plants in the industrial free zones.

5.   ...idled assembly plants.

6.   In consumer electronics, toys, apparel, automobile parts and sports goods, a major part of global production is carried out in the assembly plants of TNCs.

7.   An example from the Kenya study is where employees left a TNC car assembly plant to set up their own roadside workshops.

8.   Manufacturing subsidiaries range from simple assembly plants to complete production units.

9.   American Axle Inc. and United Auto Workers negotiators resumed contract talks today, trying to avoid a midnight strike that would shut down General Motors Corp. assembly plants.

n. + plant >>共 1068
assembly 8.92%
treatment 7.03%
water 3.61%
auto 2.89%
sewage 2.52%
car 2.49%
production 2.11%
truck 1.50%
desalination 1.24%
weapon 1.17%
assembly + n. >>共 186
plant 35.99%
member 6.25%
election 4.26%
session 2.82%
operation 2.54%
hall 2.54%
speaker 2.27%
point 2.06%
seat 2.06%
president 1.99%
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