1.   Assemble salads in the last hour or two before serving, and keep them cool.

2.   Drain on paper towels and set aside until assembling salad.

3.   There is the Israeli woman, Samira, who works like an alchemist with her toolbox of spices assembling tabbouleh salad.

4.   To keep the dish light, blot off all the oil with paper towels before you assemble the salad.

5.   To assemble salad, remove stems from spinach leaves.

6.   To assemble salad, wait until just before eating.

7.   To assemble the salad, have all the ingredients in small bowls surrounding a large salad bowl.

8.   While Kelly fried the cutlets and Channell assembled the salad, Mojica turned on the television, looking for a report on the boy.

v. + salad >>共 139
make 11.85%
eat 7.90%
serve 7.48%
toss 5.20%
have 3.33%
prepare 2.91%
dress 2.29%
mix 2.08%
include 1.87%
assemble 1.66%
assemble + n. >>共 576
team 7.92%
car 3.49%
bomb 2.56%
collection 2.27%
product 2.04%
group 1.98%
staff 1.92%
vehicle 1.86%
part 1.69%
evidence 1.46%
salad 0.47%
每页显示:    共 8