1.   As in Amer American Indian.

2.   Amaze us all by going to Plan A, as in Aikman.

3.   And heaven knows that Oprah is as in as you can get, assuring success to most everything she touches.

4.   As in Air Canada Centre.

5.   As in all-the-time frequently.

6.   As in Casper, the Friendly Ghost.

7.   As in Christopher Marlowe?

8.   As in eliminating the dumb penalties.

9.   As in Elvis.

10.   As in Ewan McGregor.

d. + in >>共 354
not 14.76%
as 5.76%
just 4.94%
only 3.68%
then 3.64%
again 3.42%
so 2.86%
still 2.83%
especially 2.68%
also 2.60%
as + a. >>共 1111
many 8.82%
much 6.15%
important 2.48%
possible 2.08%
bad 1.44%
close 1.40%
big 1.37%
likely 1.31%
good 1.26%
simple 1.24%
in 0.29%
每页显示:    共 154