1.   A fair amount of rough means accuracy off the tee is as important as the ability to keep it low.

2.   Acts of neighbourly kindness are as important.

3.   As important as money for independent ventures would be the seal of approval.

4.   At college, the questions you and your fellow students pose are as important as the answers supplied.

5.   At least as important will be who can provide the best service?

6.   But there is evidence to support my thesis that status and occupation are as important as cash.

7.   Continuity is just as important in dialogue as in monologue.

8.   Ecumenically it is as important as anything.

9.   Everything turns on the capacity of the patient and, just as important, who makes the final determination as to that capacity.

d. + important >>共 137
most 31.57%
more 24.01%
as 6.23%
very 6.12%
so 2.75%
how 2.72%
also 2.53%
less 2.50%
especially 2.23%
equally 2.09%
as + a. >>共 1111
many 8.82%
much 6.15%
important 2.48%
possible 2.08%
bad 1.44%
close 1.40%
big 1.37%
likely 1.31%
good 1.26%
simple 1.24%
每页显示:    共 1311