1.   Individual craft items with a discernible artistic quality will be covered by copyright.

2.   Unique spectacle means a lot at this festival, but is hardly ever at the expense of artistic quality.

3.   Drawings are prepared for most designs and drawings are protected by copyright as artistic works, irrespective of artistic quality.

4.   And changes in lifestyle and habits are psychological issues, even in the interest of artistic quality.

5.   And though some mavens have demurred, the hype has been buttressed by albums remarkable for both artistic quality and repertorial variety.

6.   Anything that included foul language, adultery or homosexuality was bad in her eyes, regardless of its artistic quality or overall moral stance.

7.   As a collector, Flagler seems to have had a passionate side that had as much to do with human contact as artistic quality.

8.   Because she was dying, her silence had an artistic quality.

9.   But his proposals were like engineering blueprints, bringing institutions together on paper without taking into account their personalities or artistic qualities.

a. + quality >>共 1452
high 9.33%
poor 4.86%
good 4.14%
sound 3.35%
better 3.35%
higher 2.67%
same 1.92%
star 1.90%
highest 1.71%
top 1.68%
artistic 0.45%
artistic + n. >>共 780
director 17.09%
freedom 2.96%
expression 2.75%
talent 1.83%
merit 1.73%
integrity 1.70%
endeavor 0.99%
skill 0.95%
license 0.92%
quality 0.92%
每页显示:    共 27