1.   An arthritis remedy or something to do with heartburn or anxiety.

2.   A huckster materializes on my television screen flogging some arthritis remedy and says she is Julie Andrews.

3.   I have been asked repeatedly in the last two months about my knees and whether the arthritis remedy I mentioned in a column on alternative medicine was actually working.

4.   The biggest selling point for Vioxx and Celebrex is that they may be less likely to cause gastrointestinal bleeding than other arthritis remedies.

n. + remedy >>共 102
conduct 13.45%
headache 3.51%
desegregation 3.51%
hangover 2.92%
heartburn 2.92%
stomach 2.92%
arthritis 2.34%
court 2.34%
biotech 1.75%
impotence 1.75%
arthritis + n. >>共 41
drug 20.63%
patient 10.00%
sufferer 10.00%
pain 9.38%
treatment 7.50%
specialist 5.63%
medicine 5.00%
medication 3.75%
remedy 2.50%
research 2.50%
每页显示:    共 4